Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First day back!

Well today was my first day back from break. It was a long dayyyyy. My schedule is the same except that I'm not in speech anymore since it's only a half class. I'm in health and I want to get out because it's not required anymore and I don't even know why I'm in it in the first place. So hopefully I can get a schedule change. I just don't know what class I want to take! Sighhh. But anyways!
My chemistry and geometry classes are SO different (lots of kids are in there that weren't before) and I'm not really understanding anything in chemistry... Blah. :/
I'm having a GIANT sweet tooth right now, but we don't really have any sweets in this dang house. :l Sighhh.
I woke up today at like, 5:15, 15 minutes before my alarm went off and was wide awake, which is surprising because I couldn't fall asleep until 1:30! But throughout the day, I've just gotten more and more tired. I need to start on my homework because I NEED to get good grades this semester.
And my brother has a basketball game tonight which I kind of don't want to go to since I'm so tired, but I am anyways.
Not a whole lot to write about, lately. I'm thinking that I might want to keep the baby... I still have a long time left (I'm 6 weeks 3 days) to decide and I'm still looking into adoption, but I just think that this is what I want to do. I mean, I don't really want to be a mom at 15, but I think that's the one option that is seeming like the best for me right now.

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